Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fwd: Kinect and Scratch

We've been playing with a Kinect hooked up to a laptop for our highschool robotics team.  This year's FIRST Robotics Competition Kit of Parts will include a kinect for teams to use.  Won't know how it's to be used until January 7:

It's been interesting to watch but one of the most fun things I found was that it can be interfaced with Scratch (MIT: ) -- cool early programming tool.  I think my 6 yo will soon be able to be introduced to Scratch.  And it's a great learning tool throughout K-12 -- including being an easy interface for programming and demonstrating understanding of AP physics, etc...

Anyway, someone has written the interface (there's probably a much more appropriate computer-ese word) between the Kinect and Scratch so the kids can actually program with kinect input. (

Think we'll keep the kinect I bought -- and not buy an xbox to go with it -- lots of cool apps to download.  Looks like it will work with Scratch, Greenfoot (similar learning tool for Java -- haven't used it yet).  Nothing that I can find to interface with Alice.  However, what a great tool for adding to kids' learning of programming -- beats the TRS-80 and Basic from when I was in high school.

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