Sunday, August 30, 2009

Free Online Classes from Carnegie Melon

Carnegie Melon also has some free online courses -- though the choices are limited and you sign up for the entire course:

Open & Free Courses

We do not provide any certification or verification of completion. If you would like to receive credit or certification for completing the course, you need to make arrangements with your local institution. See some tips on how you can get credit.
No instructors, no credits, no charge.

Use these self-guiding materials and activities to learn at your own pace!
Find a course you are interested in and click on "Get Started". If you want to keep track of your progress, sign in or create a new account. Otherwise click on "Look inside".

* Engineering Statics
* Statistics
* Causal and Statistical Reasoning
* Modern Biology
* Chemistry
* Economics
* French
* Logic & Proofs
* Physics
* Empirical Research Methods
* Computational Discrete Mathematics
* Visual Communication Design

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