Monday, January 26, 2009

Tools for Offering Online Classes

Something to look at for offering online classes -- especially at the homeschool level.

Started with ed2go, the company offering the Alice and XHTML courses.
Blackboard is what the schools use (but $9500 price tag and you do the work)

Drupal is, I think, the open source platform for online class options:

Moodle is a free open source program for offering online classes -- might be an interesting way to explore

MoodleRooms takes that one step further and for a monthly/class fee, they will handle the student sign up, etc. part of the class (plus moodle tutorials):

Sloodle takes Moodle to the 3-D level -- hmmmm.... not for me!

A more expensive version than MoodleRooms but that is infinitely more accessible than Blackbord and less expensive than ed2go is DigitalChalk:

All of which includes cloud computing (which I don't really get except the cloud is a metaphor for the Internet!):

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