Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Personal Finance class

This fall I'm going to teach a high school Personal Finance Class.  The idea is to learn about decisions they'll be met with in the next few years.  This will be 8 units, 3 weeks on, one week off, with discussion/field trip/discussion for each topic.  I think it will be a lot of fun.  (Figuring a half credit but the class lasts through the whole year -- not much homework)

  • discuss with career coach
Banks and Credit Unions
  • types of accounts, services
  • field trip to bank or credit union
  • credit
Renting an Apartment/Buying a house
  • including field trip with realtor
Buying a car
  • car dealership, loan
  • all types
  • 1040 EZ/1040
  • where taxes go
  • other deductions from a paycheck

Health Insurance and other benefits

and other things...

Two resources for this are:

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