Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ACT/SAT Prep classes

Something to consider when it gets closer to SAT/ACT time...

Math Review for SAT/ACT


SAT/ACT Essay Class
Want to beat the odds on the SAT/ACT essay portion of the test? Prepare your kids. The skills they learn here will also translate into the timed writing tests they’ll take over and over in college. Truly, this is a course no high school student should be without.

The SAT/ACT Essay Class is designed for college-bound high school students (10th-12th graders) as preparation for the writing portion of both the SAT and ACT tests. Students write 1-3 essays per week plus special exercises designed to help them succeed in crafting this type of essay. This course trains students to work with their knowledge base (what they already know) while addressing sight-unseen questions.

(NOTE:  Students recommended to take the Research Paper class first:

IEW also has a SAT/ACT essay writing program: High School Essay Intensive

This seminar presents tools and tips for tackling the timed opinion-based essay as currently included in the SAT exam, and introduces strategies for writing a well-crafted personal essay for a college application. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the .pdf files for both seminar handouts, as well as several bonus files dealing with other aspects of SAT preparation.

Statement from The College Board, Creator of the SAT Test: "Our own research involving the test scores of more than 150,000 students admitted to more than 100 colleges and universities shows that, of all the sections of the SAT, the writing section is the most predictive of college success..

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