Sunday, June 5, 2011

Starting Next Fall's Plan for Grade 10

Science:  This year's Chemistry filled a lab requirement but did not adequately cover an Honors level understanding of Chemistry.  Next year, we'll take Glencoe's Chemistry: Matter and Change 1 chapter per week and work through the text, understanding, and problems.  Completing that will mean an Honors Level Chemistry course.

In addition, I think a Biology lab if they're still offering it -- that means that a second year of BIology could be added if this wasn't enough (expensive, though!):    Here are some interesting hands-on biology classes:

Literature and writing:  We will be losing our marvelous Literature/Writing teacher this coming year.  What to do?  One option is a private tutoring for writing like what a friend is doing (is that available?), or doing an essay class from IEW's materials, or maybe something like EMC's Write In Reader for Grade 10:

PE:  TKD Black Belt testing occurs in October!  Training will need to be done before that.

History:  Time to add some history -- might be interesting to do a Winter Promise history like...?  We do need to do American History this year or next with the election coming up.

Math... oh, yes, math...

Robotics, goes without saying

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