Thursday, March 10, 2011

Right brained resources

Diane Craft has a lot of great ideas about homeschooling with ADHD kids and right brained kids -- with both techniques to use and more information about the why's of their brain functioning. You might want to check out her website: and articles. You can also order recordings of her talks at the conference if they look helpful. I'm actually going on Friday and hope to hear some of her talks.

Her approach is that you want to give them all the skills and tools they need to get them to function at the same evaluation level.

Another person who's well known in this area is Cindy Gaddis (from eastern NC). She also has lots of great info and techniques but her underlying philosophy is that right brained thinking is no different than left brained thinking and therefore why should one even be looking at the same measurements.

Karen Davis (Charlotte) has a great list of resources for right brained learners:
**** Go down halfway and watch the "Animal School" video if you haven't seen it before.

And last, a current business book on the future of right brained thinkers:
A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel H. Pink

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