Possible ideas for 11th Grade
- English III (1 credit)
- Focus the fall on writing -- maybe do a couple Ed2Go classes for character development, technical writing.
- The following are all 6-8 week writing classes from Ed2Go:
- Beginning Writer's Workshop
- Research Methods for Writers
- Fundamentals of Technical Writing
- Grammar Refresher
- Effective Business Writing
- A Writer's Guide to Descriptive Settings
- Introduction to Journaling
- Grant Writing A to Z
- Writing Effective Grant Proposals
- Bravewriter also offers online writing classes (I think they are more time-intensive than Ed2Go classes -- they definitely involve more interaction with the instructor and rest of the class)
- Other bravewriter classes including Shakespeare, etc.
- http://www.bravewriter.com/program/online-classes/class-list/
- AND Movie Discussion: http://www.bravewriter.com/program/online-classes/class-list/movie-discussion-group/
- Could do literature of some sort...
- Technology (1 credit)
- Creating Wordpress Blog Sites
- Web 2.0: Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts
- Intro to Java
- Intro to Networks
- Intro to Linux
- Computer app certification
- Wordpress? Solidworks? Something from Lynda.com?
- Biology with lab (1 credit)
- American Government (1 credit)
- American government once again this fall. This class is an introduction to political science, and covers basic principles in civics, political science, and basic economic policy.
- Engineering III (1 credit - includes field trip class?)
- Algebra II -- WHAT???
- Music/PE
- Other...?