Sunday, April 26, 2009

Community college credits and transfers to NC Universities

From Kate: (thanks!)
All the WakeTech College Credit equivalencies can be found easily for each NC state school.

Helpful for those dual credits that we might get to in a few years!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Preschool Alphabet Activity

The Active Alphabet -- I need to make some cards for J as he'd love this activity!

Spent most of the day with him practicing his alphabet on the Fisher Price keyboard attached to my laptop (tracing letters with the mouse/pen)... he's so excited that I can figure out the letter he wrote. I think he may be able to write his name before he's 3 1/2 -- unless some other interest develops before then!
Use this list as it is, or come up with fun action words of your own!

* A is for Airplane — Pretend to be an airplane. Spread your arms way out at your sides and "fly" around the room. Don't forget to add sound effects too!
* B is for Bow — Show your child how to take a bow by bending from the waist.
* C is for Clap — Clap your hands together.
* D is for Dance — Put on some music and dance.
* E is for Elephant — Pretend to be an elephant by making an imaginary elephant trunk with your arm.
* F is for Frog — Jump, hop, or leap like a frog.
* G is for Grin — Smile!
* H is for High-Five — Show your child how to give a "high-five." You each raise your arm above your head, and slap your open hands together.
* I is for Itch — Pretend to scratch an itch.
* J is for Jump — Jump. (Some young children may not yet have the coordination to jump. If not, then "J" can be for Jog.)
* K is for Kick — Kick a ball or balloon or an empty box.
* L is for Laugh — Ha ha ha ha ha!
* M is for March — Show your child how to march around the house.
* N is for Nose — Point to your nose.
* O is for Open — Open and close your hands, or open a drawer or door.
* P is for Pout — Stick out your bottom lip to make a pout or look of displeasure.
* Q is for Quiet — Put your index finger in front of your lips and say, "Shh."
* R is for Run — Run around the room, run outdoors, or show your child how to run in place.
* S is for Sit or Stand — Sit down and then stand up.
* T is for Twist — Show your child how to twist their body to the right, and then to the left.
* U is for Up — Pick your child up.
* V is for Vacuum — Vacuum the floor or pretend to vacuum.
* W is for Wiggle — Wiggle your arms, legs, and body.
* X is for "X" — Make an "X" shape with your index fingers, or shape your body into the letter "X" (stand with legs set apart and arms stretched up and out)
* Y is for Yummy — Say "Yummy" while you rub your tummy.
* Z is for Zipper — Find a zipper on a piece of clothing. Zip it up and zip it down.